By making a bequest or transferring securities, you can support debra of America’s current and future work for the EB Community, as well as gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family.

Gain financial and tax benefits for you and your family while supporting the EB Community by making a gift through your will or living trust. A bequest can be made by allocating a portion of your estate, giving a specific dollar amount, or leaving remaining assets to debra of America.
If you have questions or would like to include debra of America in your will or living trust, please call 833-debraUS (833-332-7287) or email
Stock Transfers
debra of America gratefully accepts gifts of stocks and securities. A gift of stock held for more than one year entitles you to a charitable deduction for the current fair market value and is exempt from capital gains tax.
To receive instructions on making a gift of stock to debra of America, please call 212-868-1573 or email